Posted on , in ADVICE & TIPS and OPINIONS, by Saki MimuraWhat Are The Signs That Your Staff Need To Get Out? An Outing Is All About Taking A Break.
As a manager, one of the most crucial jobs of yours is to take good care of your employees so that they can work comfortably and with high productivity to bring benefits to your company. Do you feel like your employees need some outdoor activities but are not quite sure?
Here are some signs and symptoms that show when someone is struggling with work or something else.
Watch Out For These Signs! Your Employees Might Need Your Help.
Have you noticed a decline in an employee’s productivity? Has one of your employees started missing deadlines or making basic mistakes more often? They might be facing some issues. Low quality of work can also be seen in ways of complacency or being apathetic. When you feel your employees are less motivated to make progress and bring themselves to the upper level like they used to be, you should check if something unusual is happening to them.
Another sign of your employees who may be needing assistance is withdrawal from daily conversation and activities. When someone is not participating in a morning conversation with their colleagues as they would normally do, or they start to prefer having meals alone, they might be struggling with something irregular. Being absent from work very often also shows the possibility that something is preventing them from coming to work.

Negative – Outing: Team Building, Outdoor Activities, Signs, Symptoms, Break. Credit: sasint
This is one of the reasons why you need to pay closer attention to each of your employees. If you do not constantly look at your employees and their work, you are not likely to notice it when they become silent. You may have experienced this, but it can be very hard to seek help while going through something tough. Hence, it is important for you as a manager to act when your employee goes silent more often or has less communication with you and their colleagues.
Naysaying and being negative or disenchanted about new ideas and projects are signs that your employee is experiencing something stressful. Being negative at work can relate to being rude or cynical to your customers and their colleagues, which need to be addressed immediately.
This is strongly associated with all signs explained above, but you need to be very careful when your employee shows some changes in their behaviour. Whether it is some breaks from their work routine or obvious changes in their personalities, they may have some issues that need to be taken care of. When your employees stop doing things they are known to enjoy, that can be their sign for you to reach out.
An Outing Is A Great Way To Get Your Employees Fully Refreshed And Happy!
For all of the signs listed above, an outing, or getting your employees outside is part of the solution to make things better. Those negative signs one is showing tend to spread among their colleagues and team members, which would worsen the condition and atmosphere of your office. An outing is a great opportunity to take a break collectively as a team and reward your employees for daily operations.
Some may just need to be refreshed from all the stress they have been feeling at work, and others may need a deep 1 on 1 conversation with their superior to address their issues. In either case, outdoor activities give you a chance as a manager to reach each of your employees in a more casual setting. You can tell them you are there to help work more comfortably and ready to have some private conversation. Your gesture would make them feel listened to and easier to talk about their struggles.

Bonding – Outing: Team Building, Outdoor Activities, Signs, Symptoms, Break. Credit: Unique Team Building
Unique Team Building provides you with numerous outing activities for your employees to feel refreshed and recovered from their stress. Believe it or not, nature, especially nature in Australia, has a brilliant ability to heal your workers’ stressed bodies and minds.
While some signs are easier to notice, others can be overlooked very often. It is managers’ responsibility to look after their employees so that issues are solved and improvement is made to bring the company to the next level. When you see some of the signs listed here in your employees, consider having an outing as a team. It may do you and your company more good than you would expect.
Reach out to Unique Team Building today to arrange a special outing program just for your employees. We will help you to the largest extent to get your staff’s energy fully charged.
Email us or call 07 3186 1026.
07 3186 1026