Posted on , in HOW TO, by Marcus RichardsStop Feeling Empty & Get Motivated to Do More
It’s both disheartening and disturbing to discover just how many people dislike their jobs and their overall lives. The numbers show that we have some serious work to do if we want to improve the way we get more done and find more enjoyment in our daily routines.
- Only 40% of Australians reported true job satisfaction in a recent survey, with nearly a quarter of respondents reporting that they were dissatisfied with their current work situation.
- The 73 million millennials (those born between 1980 and 1996) want their jobs to meet a wide range of life goals: steady hours, a good paycheck, a balance between work and play, flexibility, social responsibility and room to use and develop the talents. But jobs meeting all these requirements are few, and this age group is both underemployed and lacking engagement when they do find work.
We spend a considerable amount of our time at work. With an average of 40 hours per week in Australia stuck at a desk, it’s no surprise that we’re left wanting to do something else to find fulfillment. We have a desire to do more, but we also have a feeling of emptiness inside that decreases our motivation to do productive things. Instead of trying to find a real solution, we try to fill the hole with fleeting pleasures like alcohol, shopping sprees for new splurges, and binge-watching tv shows.
How do you fix the feeling of Emptiness?
#1 Focus on Improving Yourself
Feeling empty often leads you to neglect yourself. You allow yourself to get fat, avoid exercise, and indulge in unhealthy foods and other substances. This makes the hole worse. Not only do you feel emotionally bad, but you also start to physically feel like crap.
Instead of continuing all these bad habits, set yourself a goal to learn more about feeling better. Learn about fitness and nutrition so you can eat better, exercise more, and feel confident and healthy. Learn more about sleep habits. Your body needs sleep to replenish and heal. Without enough sleep, you will never feel good.
#2 Start Creating
When you indulge in bad behaviors to fill the hole you are often left with nothing to show for it the next day. If you spend the day binge-watching a show, when you wake up the next morning you have nothing. If you spend your night eating pizza and drinking pizza, all you have the next day is a hangover and a sick stomach.
If you spend your day creating something, then the next day you have something you can either keep working on or do something with. For example, I spent time today writing this blog article for you. I write blog articles because they help my readers learn something new that will make their lives better. So I feel good about writing. Tomorrow morning when I wake up, I won’t be feeling an empty hole. My brain will be buzzing thinking of new topics to write about instead.
#3 Meditate
Meditating focuses your mind on your feelings and gives you a chance to process them. Instead of focusing on a negative hole and trying to spend your days filling it, you can learn to identify a feeling and learn more about yourself. Over time, as you get better at meditating, you’ll stop stressing over these negative feelings so much. You may even start to like those feelings because you know how to deal with them and work them through.
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