Posted on , in ADVICE & TIPS, by Saki MimuraWondering How You Can Boost The Engagement Of Your Team? Try These 3 Strategies To Make The Best Team.
How satisfied are you with your team’s performance? Do you think your team members are doing their job with their maximum effort? Or, are you sure your employees are working in an environment where they can perform the best? Building a good team is one of the most significant jobs of managers in a corporation. However, you probably agree that it is definitely easier said than done.
Here, we introduce 3 strategies you can start off with to grow a great team:
Feeling safe in their work environment plays a vital role in one’s physical and psychological wellness. In fact, a study published in 2020 found that a team’s effectiveness and efficacy increase when team members can feel their ‘psychological safety’ in their workplace. In other words, when employees feel accepted and recognised for who they are and their unique ideas, they are more likely to present their abilities to contribute to their team.
Therefore, your role as a manager is to create a safe atmosphere in your workplace. You can do this by constantly sharing who you are, including your struggles and shortcomings, welcoming your team members to share their stories, or regularly providing them with opportunities to give you their feedback. The key is to make your team feel heard and recognised for their ongoing effort.
Being a manager, you would notice that you cannot emphasise enough how important communication is. One of the difficulties you may face is the fact that every person prefers different ways of communication. Some people are comfortable with speaking up in a team meeting about the issues they are facing when being asked. Others may need more time to contemplate and put their opinions into words. Some might be more comfortable talking to you privately.

Meeting – Team: Team Building, Productivity, Engagement, Communication, Psychological Safety. Credit: user1505195587
Hence, it is very crucial that you research what types of communication your team members prefer and show them you are available in multiple channels. It is also effective for you to tell your employees to talk to their team leaders because leaders are closer and may be easier to reach. Moreover, suggesting that your team conduct 1 on 1 meetings regularly with the team leader and each member would be a great way to promote communication and trust among the team.
Team building activities can help you increase your team’s engagement in a variety of ways. Unique Team Building facilitators can be there for you to provide programs that enable your team members to learn and improve skills including communication, problem-solving, or conflict resolution.
Furthermore, you can explore each of the team members’ potentials that you have not yet realised. Those hidden abilities can give you some hints as to how to operate your team better and more effectively. Our team building exercises are very beneficial for your team as you can grow a strong bond with one another outside of your usual working environment.

Cooking Activity – Team: Team Building, Productivity, Engagement, Communication, Psychological Safety. Credit: Unique Team Building
Making the most of your team can be tough, especially when your team is constantly working on projects on a daily basis. That is why you need a strategy that you can work on constantly so that the positive outcome will show in the long term. Plan a team building program at the start of your journey, and continue on with strategies explained above to make the most of your team.
Contact us today to design a special activity for your team to build a trusting relationship that would boost their productivity.
Email us or call 07 3186 1026.
07 3186 1026